
Friday, August 13, 2010

A Belated 37th (Oops, 38th) Birthday Lunch

You must already know what happened during the day of my birthday.  I desperately needed a break during the weekend so Sittie and I went all the way to UP to have lunch at the Persian restaurant Khas.  To my surprise and disbelief, Sittie has never eaten here the entire time she was studying at UP.  To think that it's walking distance from our college.  The first time she set foot at Khas was quite recently so she was really psyched to eat here.  For my part, well, it brings back memories of my graduate years.

As you enter Khas, you'd think nothing has changed.  But I was wrong.  The floor is already tiled and the tables and chairs are more comfortable.  There was a definite upgrade to the place.  What surprised me was the addition of Korean dishes to the menu.

I really don't know why I ordered the ox brain because when it comes to ordering food I'm usually a creature of habit.  Back in the day, I would usually order the keema (ground beef with spices) because it's a complete meal already.  You know how it is when you're a student, you try to get the most bang out of your buck.  Today was different though.  I went with the seafood stir-fry while Sittie ordered the sizzling chicken.  The food didn't impress me that much (note to self- next time order the keema) but the sizzling chicken was ok especially if you consider the prices of the dishes here.  Food costs approximately P80 to P200 a dish.  Not bad at all.  Portions are good for 2 people, if you ask me.  But if you're really famished, you can well finish the entire dish all by yourself.

Overall, it was an enjoyable meal.  The perfect way to end a stressful work week.

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